
It breaks my heart to let you know that I don’t have all the answers.

Your mother and I can’t teach you everything.

All we can do is give you a good footing

And hope that somehow you’ll find your own way

Establish your place in this world.

You’ll have your own experiences

Yet not all of them will be painless.

Some people will hurt you and break your heart.

Some will use you and you’ll feel abused.

You will sometimes feel alone and abandoned.

Pain and despair will be part of the journey.

I will however expect you to stand and fight for what you believe in


Off I slide down


In my sleeplessness

I want to wake you up

Reach out to you for safety

Cos I know you would keep it away

How you do it I’ll never know!

Then I see the peace registered in you face

And it calms me down

So I listen to you sleep

And I grasp the edges

Of the comfort it provides

Glad to know you’re here

And off into sanity …

 I slide down quietly
