To whom do we turn?

To whom do I raise my complaint
When the king is blind to my plight
And his ears can’t hear when I shout

Powers and authority’s their only object
A sad affair: zero concern for the subject
And the kingdom drowns in the terror of night

They be out there building bridges
Dancing over midges
As we roll over the ridges

The economy is run by wolves
As the rest tremble in their hooves
Craving relief as we gather like hungry doves

Promises have been forgotten
So I’m left to wonder to whom do we turn
When we’ve no influence in our town
No matter how many committees we join


They are people; just like us with
Mothers just like
Fathers, just like us
Brothers and sisters, just like us
Born in this country, just like us
They hope to be free, just like us
With dreams, to reach for the stars, just like us
With wishes, that their children will grow up without scars, just like us
So it doesn’t matter where they come from, they’re just like us
Whether they be rich or poor, they’re just like us
So before you point that finger
Before you post that tribal comment on Facebook
Before you throw that stone
Be sure to remember
Before our backgrounds and our differences

God for a day

If you were God for a day

Would you make a world like this?

One where everything needs everything else

One where we all enter innocent

… bloody

… blameless and clueless


Would you create man …

Forty weeks in the making

Nine months undertaking

Would you give man so much freedom?

Bestow him with free will

Free to the extent that he can choose …

To believe in you

… Or not

Free enough to reject you

… to your face

Free to a point of being selfish

… man eat man society

Where the rich gets richer

And the poor man has no one to feed him


Would you make rivers flow

… from mountains downstream

Only for man to polute them

Deposit industrial waste in your streams

Then place the blame on you

… for cholera, typhoid, dysentery 

for all his poor choices

… the consequences


If you were God for a day

Would the devil freely roam?

Would hurricanes be

How about earthquakes

… landslides

… farmine

… deseases

… drought


Would you give you own life

For an evil generation?

See your own creation crucify you like a crook

Like a sheep watch ’em lead you to the slaughter

Despice you, reject you, esteem you not?

Would you be wounded for their crimes?

Crushed for their iniquities

Labelled a man of sorrows


Would you call them your children?

Friends maybe?

Branches stemming from you?

Justified and redeemed?

More than conquerors?

Heirs with you son?

Would you call them saints?

A new creation?

Holy and blameless?

If you were God for a day

Would you save mankind?


If this is truly a dream
Then I don’t wanna wake up
Cos if I’m ever free
It’s only in my dreams
Only there I’m I poor bastard
That has so much to offer
It’s only there that this pain stops
And I get to really live
It’s only there that
I get to meet my private self
I get to see the child inside me dance
I get to ride wild horses
So let me and my dreams be,
Cos it does me more good than I’d ever say
It helps me live
It makes my broken heart whole
It seals my wounds
It covers all my scars
But I never forget
This is just but a temporary loan


At times I wonder if you’re real?
Or should I look for somebody else?
Are you really who you say you are?
That you’re able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond ..
Much more than I can ask?
Much more than I can think?

If you are, I wonder if it’s true …
That you know where I am?
That you actually see it
That you see every step I take?
How about the ones I took backwards?
Or the tears that we muffled by this pillow?

If it’s really true then I’ll let you in on my truth
I fear that you’re mad at me
Cos you’ve broken me on every side that I go
If you’re not how comes …
That it’s only trouble that finds me?
When I hoped for good, evil came
When I waited for light, all was dark

But then again
Though you slay me,
You still remain my hope
Though I’m flat on my back
It allows me to reflect and look up to you
And I’m able to see you for myself
And I’m reminded that it all works together for my good!


Who is he to you?

Who is he to you?
A friend perhaps?
One that you converse with daily
Or a stranger
Just a shadow in your contact list
Maybe a foe
An alien from a strange place
Ever weary of his face

Is he like an in-law
That unopened letter in your pigeonhole
A package only opened when necessary
One that you deal with cos you must
Or is he like a brother
The coefficient of beta
Ever on your case yet better
Usually on your nerves yet you’re never bitter

Tell me, is he like an apple
The one the doc said you should have daily
Yet too darn expensive as a daily meal
Or is he like a lemon,
Far from ordinary
Bitter yet necessary
An arbitrary penalty

I might be too celebral but …
If you’re anything like me
Then you query about God
He’s so close yet so far away
The ghost between the rays
Dreamlike and surreal
Loving yet consuming
Amusing yet confusing

I wonder about his love
Dramatic and poetic
Real, exceptional and magical
Like a never ending corridor of confusion
Soft like calm waters
Hard and strange like a storm
Present and visible like the sun
Yet plummeting like an eclipse
The grand puppeteer
And we’re all marionnets
In his game of musical chairs

Maybe I have him figured out wrong
Maybe I’m just a wounded animal that refuses to be nursed!
Maybe my hypothesis is all but messed up
Just maybe …!


the struggle continues


Until the day when I can proudly say that I am an African and never feel the pain of the stigmatization that comes with the name!

Until the day when they’ll understand the words coming out of my mouth without noticing my broken English

Until the day when Mr. Politician will stop selling us promises of prosperity yet our poverty grows

Until the day when we’ll stop blaming it on the government, the president and the rest

Until the day when our leaders will be held accountable for wrecking the economy

Until the day when we’ll truly know who we are by leading instead of following

Until the day when he that resists will not be condemned for seeking many questions

Until the day when I won’t be threatened for putting this in my fables

Until the day when we do something great today instead of waiting for tomorrow

Until that day … Our struggle continues!

And my heart cries for a peaceful Kenya


Giving in


Broken pieces

Shattered on the ground

Scattered all around


Tossing and turning

Grief addicted

Overwhelming outsider feelings

Strugling to pray

Feeling distant

I give in, put me back together


Classified identities …



Maybe one day you’ll understand my zeal

I’m out on the streets, in search of a veal

Unceremoniously signing off deals

Avoiding guns and hustlers who’s aim is to kill and steal

So the smell of gun smoke and tear gas is a daily ordeal

Spoiled milk and half baked mutton is my daily meal

And lots of ghetto secrets that I can’t reveal

I have classified identities that I have to conceal

Exclusives in my head locked with a bolt and a seal

Wounds that are yet to heal

There’s just so much that I have to feal

I could ran and hide but I’m here, and I’m real

just gimme a chance …