My orb was monstrous

So when we met I feared

It’d pull you into the disaster

Swallow and take you down

Down into my adversity

But instead

The discomfort fled

Away from you

From then I knew

You must be the one

The one to save me

My one and only

To complete me

I was a desperate wolf

Out in the cold,

In the frozen wastelands

Until you found me



Yet, still the man

He is wise and kind-hearted

Irrespective of whatever demons he’s facing

He rises above ‘em to be a better man

Only he can best understand this

So he sees no need to brag about his liberty

For he’s a ghost, only living in the mind

He’s a reflection, best seen by all in his deeds

He’s still the man

He’s a son, he’s a brother

He’s a husband, he’s a father

He’s a friend, he’s a lover

He is above all, a human being


He provides, as he must

He loves, as he must

He protects his own, as he must

He shields his own, as he must


He’s a risk taker, as he must

He’s a spiritual leader, as he must

He’s faithful to his wife, as he must

He’s a role model to his kids, as he must


He’s intricate, when he must

He’s obstinate, when he must

He throws punches, when he must

He’s no-nonsense, when he must


The man

He’s the man, not because he was born a male

Or because of the heavy cross that he carries in his pants

Not because he’s known of taking care of his own

Or because he fits a definition


Not because he wears pants

Or rather because he knows the reason behind wearing ‘em

Not because he never harbors his manhood

Or because he never questions it


Not because he barely cries;

Especially not in front of his daughter

Or because by no means does he exhibit weakness

Especially not to his enemy



At the cross


I am a crucified burglar

I am guilty as charged

I am receiving due reward

Yet on my side is one who’s been charged erroneous

For he did no wrong


He is beaten, mocked and trodden

The soldiers cast lots on his clothing

On his head is a crown of thorns

On top of his cross they hang his identify

The king of the Jews


He can save us and himself

Yet he opts to hang on this wooden cross

He hangs in there for the sake of you and me

Truly this is a man of God

Today I’ll be with him in Paradise!
