
how long

How long, O LORD?

Will You forget me forever?

How long will You hide Your face from me?

How long shall I take counsel in my soul,

Having sorrow in my heart all the day?

How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

Psalm 13:1–2

Times like these!


Sometimes: You desire to forget that which happened in the past

But it never really goes away


Sometimes: You admit that you might have made a mistake

But you continuously defend your actions


Sometimes: You close your eyes

But the images never disappear


Sometimes: You give expecting to get

But you receive nothing


Sometimes: You put it down in a paper and say it the best way you know how to

But you fear that what you’re saying won’t be heard until you’re gone


Strange clouds

strange clouds

I wish you had like a physical office

That way I’d just march in and we’d talk face to face

Maybe then I wouldn’t feel like you’re in a hiding place

Probably then you’d answer my endless questions

And I wouldn’t walk this life like I never had clear directions

Cos I would talk to you and I would see you reactions

I wonder if we’d talk, or is it all in my mind?

My plea seem to be one sided

Did what I crave ever matter?

Why do you have to be so far away?

Or rather why do I feel so far away?

I just can’t find my way

I’ve no clue what plans you have for me

And yet obedience is what you demand of me

Is this what is to be of me?

To go, with no clue of where I’m headed?

To dream, but to never see any of these dreams happen?

Aren’t you the one who put them in my head?

Why would you do that?

Only let me imagine …

But never get to experience …

Nothing is clear

It seems pointless

All I see are strange clouds


Mo’ time


If time is really money

Then show me the trail to the depository

I’ll surrender all my riches as security

Credit my account in the most influential currency

Maybe then I can have that rare opportunity

To go back to my own ancestry

I can fully correct my inaccuracy

Maybe then I can out-live my own history


The man across the street

Man too

He refused to pick up when he heard his call

Largely cos he knew in his heart that he had dropped the ball

It was hard for him to walk with his head held up high and tall

Thinking that it was over and he didn’t think he’d be given a second chance at all

The first time I met him he was headed to the downtown mall

Dressed in a ragged coat, a beaten hat and a torn overall

He had a cut right next to his right eyeball

He appeared like he had hardly slept and if he had it was in the open dewfall

He needed to be high just connect with his rainfall

I heard him say he felt like his back was up against a solid wall

He was unsure of making a move cos it seemed he was headed to his downfall

And although he needed help, he didn’t know who to call

Everyone minds their own business after all;

Life was moving on like a fastball

And every move he had made seemed to have a firewall

It appeared he was running right to his downfall

From the pan into the fire down to his pitfall

I tried to converse with him hoping he would hear my outpost

I desired to enlighten his intellect; to let him know that all was not lost

I could tell that all he needed was affection and a guidepost

Just a little show of love and perhaps his direction he could adjust

So I offered to buy him some breakfast

So off we went to the restaurant

I was hoping that he would open his heart and we could talk

So we talked about politics, joked a little and watched a mad man in the street catwalk

Though he never opened his heart I could tell there was wide of the mark

But I was glad we had that talk

I my heart I prayed and wept that he would meet Jesus and make him his friend

He who is good and his love endures without end

He would open his eyes, his heart and his mind

He would tell him that it was for him and others like him that he left his throne

He gave up his tiara, his home and his crown

He dwelled with us and he became one of our own

He would let him know that it was for our sins that he bled

His blood has the power to sanitize our sins and that’s why it was shed


Heaven … I wonder?

If you looked up while in heaven, is there a sky?

Does it have stars shinning late in the night?

Does the heavenly sky have a sun?

How about clouds?

Or flying eagles?

I wonder …


I wonder …

How old is God?

Does he have a beard?

Does he grow grey hair maybe?̴

How soon will it take me see him?

Will I see him immediately upon my arrival?

Or will I be required to wait in line and for how long?


I wonder …

How many angels are in heaven and do they ever dream?

Do they imagine goldmines at their backyards?

Are they all friends or are some strangers?

Do they have feelings and emotions?

How wild is their imagination?

Do they have pests and pets?

Do they reside in towers?

Do they grow flowers?


I wonder …

Do heaven dwellers enjoy poetry?

Do they write, re-write and recite them?

Do they ever take time to recite some of mine?

Do they have any questions that still remain unanswered?


I wonder …

Are there seasons like summer, winter, autumn and spring?

Are there towns, cities, rivers, streams and lakes?

If you throw a stone up, does it fall down?

Do they even have stones to throw?

Is the air fresh and invisible?

Is it ever cold or warm?

If it wasn’t for you … there wouldn’t be me!

I’ve been watching you for a minute

The way that you walk

The way that you talk

The way that you carry yourself

And I have admit

Everything about you, it amazes me

The thought that you created everything that my eyes can see by just saying

Let there be!

The light and the darkness,

The waters and the dry land

The fish in the sea

The birds flying up in the sky…

It touches my heart knowing that I am created in your image and likeness

I am fearfully and wonderfully made

If it wasn’t for you, there wouldn’t be me!

My Daughter, welcome to our world!


Let me take this opportunity to be the one to say this

“Daughter, welcome to the world”

This might not make sense to you right now but hey!

I thought it might be a good idea to write it in your honor being my prayer that one day you will benefit from this

They say experience is the best teacher;

What they didn’t tell most of us is that the experience doesn’t necessarily have to be yours;

So I will try to put mine on this paper with the hope that you’ll benefit from it

Life is good, divine, wonderful and beautiful; it’s made of moments;

We all have an obligation to make it better and we have no business taking it for granted;

Life is a privilege; to waste it is sinful!

We are born, we grow, we age and then we die;

We come in all shapes and sizes; we have diverse varieties of skills and abilities, thus making every one of us matchless and remarkable

In your case, you came in wet, covered in streaks of blood, and coated with a white substance; your shoulders and hips were narrow, the abdomen protruded slightly;

Your arms and legs were relatively short

Upon arrival on this world they made you cry;

You weighed 2.85kgs; they checked your vitals and the celebration begun;

They wiped you, wrapped you in a towel so beautifully;

I stretched my hands to embrace you;

Our eyes met, I looked at your mother and smiled; filled with emotions, I almost cried;

The journey begun; you were breastfed and nursed, honored and celebrated eminently;

I could tell by then that you were curious of this new experience and everyone looked the same;

In the first few months you were able to make basic distinctions in images, distinctive sounds, smell, flavor, contact, warmth, and awareness of tenderness

You followed your mom with your eyes as she moved around you;

You dozed off when soothed by rocking;

You were fascinated by the realization that you have some accessories that can move, we call them hands and legs

You distinguished between familiar people and strangers

You experienced emotional attachments especially with your mom

You rolled over, crawled, sit up and stood-up on your own

Your mouth has some milk teeth, you’re biting already

All of a sudden I had to keep my toolbox away; the screw drivers, the spanners and the razor blades; the match sticks and the knifes; the pills and the drugs; you can reach all the things I keep on the top ledge; you’re opening drawers now and your curiosity is growing wild

How did you grow up so fast? Now you can stand on your two feet, run, walk backwards, jump on one foot and walk up and down the stairs.

I give thanks when I see you respond when I call you by your name

I watch you wave bye-bye when I leave for work in the morning; you start tantrums when you realize I’m leaving, but I will be back when my errands are complete

You smile when you see your image in the mirror, Say a few words, respond to restricted  commands, you get uneasy when separated from your loved ones; you can express yourself

You can feed yourself now; I bought you a bicycle, I hope to see you ride it down the street

You have made a few friends and I can hear you call them by their names when you hear them playing next door; I smile when I see you play with them;

You can sprint in a straight line and I see you dance to the melody playing in the stereo

You get jealous when you see your cousins sit on my lap

You are possessive with your toys, highly mobile; you have broadened the sphere of your activities; you even have an imaginary friend!

The other day we took you to your grandma and she spoiled you, had you feeling like the luckiest kid alive, answering your every call and complaining when she heard you sob

You surprised everyone how you related with each person;

You had fun with your cousins, uncles and aunties;

Amazing! You have successfully managed to interact with the society at large and day by day you are getting ready for formal learning and training

I have noted your extensive ability to focus while you’re watching the TV; you can put it on and off, you know how to operate the remote controls;

I procure you more cartoon and animation movies and your mama brings you teddy bears and baby dolls;

In no time you are already going to school; your mom fears that you’re not ready to roll with the big kids; but to everyone’s surprise; you can run faster; you can jump higher; you can sing along with the stereo; you can color pictures, assemble tools and model toys.

How amazing! Soon I know you’ll be memorizing bible verses; I’ll be teaching you how to pray; you’ll even be attending Sunday school

Sometimes you are just stubborn and we have to pinch your cheeks and spank you cos we love you; you want to have all the sweets and candy you can keep your hands on; we are disagreeing more and more cos we are concerned about your well being.

The future holds a lot for you

It breaks my heart to let you know that I don’t have all the answers;

That sooner or later I will have to let you go; in a few years maybe

That you will have to find your own way and establish your place in this world

You will have your own experiences and not all of them will be painless;

Some people will hurt you and break your heart

Some will use and abuse you

You will sometimes feel alone and abandoned;

You will experience pain and despair

In this world you will have trouble

You will sometimes be required to stand and fight for what you believe in

Not everyone means you good;

You will have your own taste of good friends, bad friends and demons

And sometimes all will come in the same package

But when you have a sad experience

Be miserable for a day or two, write a few sad songs and poems

Cry if you must; always remember that pain may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning

Always find the strength within you; learn from your mistakes and move on

Learn to forgive and forget, it is for your own good

Travel the world, make friends along the way

Be kind when presented with the opportunity to do so

Conversations should go like

I ask about you, you ask about me

I tell a story, you tell a story

I comment on yours, you comment on mine

At least show equal interest

And just because I’m asking you about yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you are interesting, I call it courtesy, it’s what humans do, we are social beings

We relate, we love, we feel deeply, we connect, we network

Learn to have to take life in a serious manner

But be sure have a sense of humor

Never give any less than your best

Work hard; plan ahead, make schedules

Take a few notes and keep records

Always remember that it is certain that things will always change, sometimes in a negative manner; I can’t promise that things will always work out;

Save for the rainy day

Learn to function in your dysfunction

But be sure to enjoy the fruits of your hard efforts

Remember that the happiest people don’t necessarily have everything; they just make the best of every opportunity;

Capture the little moments in life; get yourself a camera;

Learn to play some instruments;

I pray that you will be able to find a true friend who will accept you for who you are

One who will be able to separate the wheat and the chaff, embrace the wheat and throw away the chaff!

Be true to yourself; stay true to who you are

You are a master piece

You are an icon

You are destined to do great things

You are the leader of the pack

You have complete control over your actions

Don’t dwell on the negative

You are a God’s masterpiece

Talented, blessed, destined to reign,

You are who God says you are and can do what he says you can do; and that is all things

You will accomplish your dreams

Avoid being defeated by your thoughts

You have big dreams and you will achieve them

You can do anything; you are attractive, above average, programmed by the almighty God;

You can break all addictions,

You are confident, free, and healthy;

You dream big, you are the head not the appendage

When in defeat know you are not defeated

You are blessed with a lethal swing

You are a daughter of the Most High, GOD!

You are blessed!

Your territories are wide and extended

You are highly favored!

You are prosperous and successful!

You fearfully and wonderfully made, created in God’s own image

You are loved!

You are called out of darkness in God’s own light

You walk in the light, your sins are forgiven

You are free of all sicknesses and diseases

You are made alive in Jesus and he has promised you that …

Your every tear shall be washed away;

You will experience death no more, nor crying, nor mourning nor pain anymore

In Jesus Name


S. Muchendu©

Esp for my followers… Thank you

It all started as a thought, a desire to be a lyricist

I was unsure of how far I could take this test

“A prayer for my friend” came my first post

Then there was the first like, it left eyes moist

Then there was the first comment and I was empowered

Courageously came the second post, I was no longer a coward

Just a few months old and the blog has more than forty followers

Numerous likes and encouraging words from all over

Again there was the third post

Then the fourth and the fifth

Followers grew


So I wrote this one for you

For taking your precious time to read, this is for you

For clicking the ‘read more’ button on you’re the reader, this is for you

For clicking the like button, this is for you

For clicking the ‘post comment’ button, this is for you

For clicking the ‘share button’, this is for you

For clicking the ‘follow’ button, this is for you

You give me strength to keep on writing

You encourage me to keep the pen moving

You support my fingers on the keyboard as I’m typing

You nudge my mind and I keep on imagining

You help to keep me dreaming

You give me hope that these words will not fall empty

For you I am forevermore grateful