
I knew her when I was eight
She would hide herself in smiles
The warm embraces
The words of affirmation
Rarely was she ever spoken to me
But I knew her warmth
And I knew I could trust her
Cos she made me feel alive

Come to my favoured years
She made my blood boil
On the inside my heart would rush
On the outside my face would blush
And I was a clipped bird
Soon she changed
I saw a face of hers I never knew
Pain, heartbreak was part of her package deal!

This thing called love!
She’s like a drug that we all use…
Side effects depends on how you use it!
One minute she’s saving you
Next minute she’s drowning you!
She can consume you
Turn you into someone you’re not
Or bring out the best in you!

Some of us are living it
Some are searching for it
Some are wishing for it
Some are running from it
Some are lying cos of it
Some are crying cos of it
Some have died cos of it
Most of us have been on it
We don’t know why we do this
But yet, we still pursue it!

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